Sunday, September 19, 2010

National Nanny Recognition Week 2010 ......September 19 - 25

 Happy National Nanny Recognition Week! I received this via email today. I love their description of a Nanny! Read it carefully.......
To all the wonderful nannies out there who are so much more than "just a nanny".
 All the best during this wonderful week of National Nanny Recognition!


Nanny (nah-nee) n. childcare provider, activities director, teacher, dresser, beautician, nutritionist, chef, hygienist, janitor, nurse, dramatic reader, performer, entertainer, costume-maker, arts-and-crafts instructor, dance partner, chauffeur and stroller pusher, personal shopper, secretary, historian, detective, confidant, companion, counselor, coach, body-guard, self-defense instructor, tutor, cheerleader, appreciative audience, hugger, boo-boo kisser, potty trainer, learner, listener, helper, arbiter, peace-keeper, honorary extended-family member, life-long influence, shaper of the future. 
The Central Florida Nannies Support Group
 If you need any ideas, here are a few.....

Ways to Appreciate Your Nanny
♥ Say Thank You ♥ Tell your friends good things about her knowing she will hear them back ♥ a surprise day off ♥ Have the children say Thank You ♥ Treat your nanny to breakfast or dinner made by the family ♥ a card and framed photo of the family ♥ Membership fees to a local nanny support group or other Professional Organization ♥ Pay for conference fees to Nannypalooza or INA with paid professional days to attend the event ♥ Tuition for college courses ♥ CPR Training ♥ Pay for dinner out with friends ♥ a raise ♥ an IRA ♥ gift basket of favorite treats ♥ gift certificates to favorite stores ♥ movie tickets ♥ gift certificate for manicure/pedicure or massage ♥ gym membership ♥ handmade card or gift from the child/children ♥ frequent flier miles to travel home ♥ 

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