Friday, April 11, 2008

Ulali - A First Nations Women Acapella Trio

This is a play list I put together of videos of the women's group called Ulali.
The quote below comes from their CD entitled MAHK JCHI.
In ancient times a Tuscarora woman carried the name ULALI for her beautiful voice.
"Ulali" is a songbird (wood thrush) name given to Jennifer, Pura Fe and Soni.
"We are a first Nations Women Acapella Trio.that sings in the many languages and styles of our people. We do not call ourselves "Native American" because our blood and people were here long before this land was called the Americas."

The group is no longer together but the founding member Pura Fe is still performing solo.
There are 10 videos. The first 8 are of Ulali in various venues.
The last 2 are of Pura Fe performing solo.
The last video is a slide show with Pura Fe singing "Follow Your Hearts Desire". The video is images of members of her people, The Tuscarora Nation of North Carolina.

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